I am a Windows lover, I admit. It has it's faults but hey... me likes it and can work with it, I don't mind restarting my computer from time to time, because I never turn it off anyway and it needs its little breaks... In general I am pretty happy and satisfied with my OS and wouldn't change it... never! (saying this now... I sense how my computer is suddenly crashing just to prove me wrong and confirm the saying "never say never". Ah, well it won't be the first and it sure won't be the last time I reinstall ;) )
Now... on Sunday I became a proud owner of this baby...

It looks pretty and cool and I was all "WOW" and "hihi".
But my utter and pure joy lasted only till the point when I started exploring it.
Oh, oh... before I continue, this is the
official site, which by the way is totally useless (at least for me it was and not that I spent a lot of time there...)
I connected the device to the computer and the battery started charging... "Cool!" I thought. But hey... where is it, I can't find it. The computer made the default sound for new device, I looked everywhere... "You beeped, God damn it! Don't hide from me!". Apparently it is impossible for the computer to recognize it as an external device. Aaaaaah! This is why the only instruction that came with the box said, insert disk, plug in device, work! Riiight! You stupid woman, of course the software comes first...
I am happy I have a nice internet connection. You need internet in order to install it, I don't dare wonder what would have happened if my net was down at this moment... Actually, I would have had a cute thingy to just LOOK AT! The software installation took forever... I am still figuring out how to work with it, but I am getting close... I now have some music uploaded and shit. But, really, how hard it is to get a freaking 12 sec .mp3 on there? I will tell you... it took me at least 10 mins to do so... I mean... "Hellou ;)! Work with me here! Please... ".
It is a media player, meaning you can play music, clips and view pics. Guess my excitement about playing clips... but alas! Whaaaaaa? It doesn't support .avi? What player doesn't support .avi? .wmv, .mp4 and some other shit that noone watches anyway are ok. At this moment I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek, oh the pain in my heart... So, I spent half an hour more to search for a nice converter from .avi to .wmv or .mp4 or whatever works. I have that software now... it takes quite a long time to convert though. It wasn't enough that Zune software is complicated, but here you are some more bad interfaced programs to learn... The results from my attempt were nice and oh, the newly created video file took a little longer than forever to get synchronized with the player. But, hey, I figured I will do this at night. One night I convert and the next I upload... My plan is brilliant... I feel like crying. Why it has to be so complicated?
What else I could share... The sound is pretty satisfying and can get pretty loud... Not much options included... shuffle and repeat... that is it. It has radio, WOHOO, this is a huge '+' for me and a dream come true (kinda... shhh I love radio, tune on 93,9 MHz or listen
online). It has the cutest and softest case(it is not a case but can't think of other word now... bag?!) ever.
I still need to learn and experiment with it... The best is yet to come, I bet!
ETA: Oh, just a little thing to add here... So you need internet to install, meaning that it gets the needed files online. What i couldn't understand is how the hell it does the installation online and then freaking tells me that there is an update available and I have an older version of the firmware... "You do this online, fucker, just download the latest software! There is not freaking need for me to do this two times!"