Do I have a sign on my forehead saying "All freaks and pervs come to me"? Cause if i don't, I don't know what's my problem!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A list of things I hate or disgust me
So, I've been planning to make a post like this for a very long time now. Every now and then I see something that truly appalls me and I say to myself "Oh, eww, I've got to blog about it". Well, I suppose the time has finally come.
- Men who have long nails. On one, two, five, all fingers... I don't care it is just gross and not right!
- People who bite their nails. Oh my God, that can put me off so fucking much. If you want to be my friend, I beg you, do not do this in front of me, please! It gets me the shivers(the brrrr kind) even by just thinking about it.
- People who eat their hair. Oh, eww, it is dangerous, people!
Obviously this will get continue with time... For now I only have this :)
- Stupid people, using public transport. I will explain... Imagine rush hour, 100 people at the bus stop, not one bus for more than 30 mins. Finally when a crowded bus comes all try to get in and hang out the doors. Another bus is coming, same picture and another one... I wait... a fourth bus comes, empty, I get on, I sit. Then it slowly gets crowded. At my stop I try to get off, but of course the people at the doors wouldn't move their asses. I have to push my way through and it would have been so much easier if they just stepped one tiny step aside, but yeah... why bother when you can make it so much complicated... Bastards.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Today is World Hello Day!
So... HELLO, everybody! Be happy!
Also... today we celebrate the christian family. Don't forget to call your mum and dad ;)
So... HELLO, everybody! Be happy!
Also... today we celebrate the christian family. Don't forget to call your mum and dad ;)
Hatred and narrow-mindednes
In the last couple of days there's been a lot of fuzz about a certain advertisement with a certain content. See pictures of the "scandalous" billboard bellow (credit: BGNES)

As you can see the billboard didn't last long.
The poster was advertising a new TV channel that will be launched on November 25. The idea was that it will have bold and adventurous programme. Well, it sure scared the Bulgarian society, which claims to be a significant part of the EU with open minds for new ideas and so on. That is total bullshit. I am really disgusted at the people and all the nasty comments that were said. Personally I find the poster to be sexy without being appalling. Yes, it shows two men kissing or whatever, but so what? I thought we live in the 21st century, i thought we have the freedom to be who we are, I thought we have the freedom to express ourselves, without crossing certain lines of course. I live in a country where people can't tolerate something that is "out of the commonly accepted opinion". Right! Only that this opinion was common maybe in the Medieval Ages and during the communism.
People, grow up and fucking open your minds! Your children won't become gay only by seeing a poster. Homosexuality is not illness! You are either gay or not!
I am truly upset with the hatred and the fear people have.
Monday, November 19, 2007
What happens when you stop going to work with pleasure, when you wake up and tell to yourself "God, how am I going to last another day there?", when you feel that the respect is slowly fading away?
I spend most of my time at work. Really is it worth it? It's been a week now and I still feel miserable and I so haven't started to get over it, not the slightest bit. Yes it was a mistake and it is only human, but it was also a huge mistake and it was me who made it. I am the type of person who freaks out in any unfriendly environment. I just don't like it and don't want to like it. And it is a fact now that the tiniest thing evolves to colossal proportions and judgment gets dimmed and people get blamed. We react and act based on our emotions and it is only natural that the consequences are such, but we are also grown ups and we reason. This is not right. One doesn't need a lot to get crashed, but it is not so easy to stand back up.
I've stopped noticing the little things, I've stopped just smiling, I've been not myself for a week now. Because I feel miserable.
It was my birthday yesterday. I have this huge box with candies and now I have to look at my boss and say "Hey, here, I had my birthday, take one for me". How do you do this, when they can't even look you in the eyes and when you know that right now they don't give a flying fuck about you. (Don't get me wrong here, my boss is cool but now it is the uncool moment)
I don't want to stay at work and I know that tomorrow when I wake up I wouldn't want to go to work.
I spend most of my time at work. Really is it worth it? It's been a week now and I still feel miserable and I so haven't started to get over it, not the slightest bit. Yes it was a mistake and it is only human, but it was also a huge mistake and it was me who made it. I am the type of person who freaks out in any unfriendly environment. I just don't like it and don't want to like it. And it is a fact now that the tiniest thing evolves to colossal proportions and judgment gets dimmed and people get blamed. We react and act based on our emotions and it is only natural that the consequences are such, but we are also grown ups and we reason. This is not right. One doesn't need a lot to get crashed, but it is not so easy to stand back up.
I've stopped noticing the little things, I've stopped just smiling, I've been not myself for a week now. Because I feel miserable.
It was my birthday yesterday. I have this huge box with candies and now I have to look at my boss and say "Hey, here, I had my birthday, take one for me". How do you do this, when they can't even look you in the eyes and when you know that right now they don't give a flying fuck about you. (Don't get me wrong here, my boss is cool but now it is the uncool moment)
I don't want to stay at work and I know that tomorrow when I wake up I wouldn't want to go to work.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
... because it is my birthday!
Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go, shorty
It's MY birthday
We gon' party like it's MY birthday
We gon' sip vodka like it's MY birthday...
Happy birthday to P. (i.e. me)!
Go, shorty
It's MY birthday
We gon' party like it's MY birthday
We gon' sip vodka like it's MY birthday...
Happy birthday to P. (i.e. me)!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Great! (this is ironic by the way)
So, for two years now I've had some problems with my hands (especially the right one) during winter. I've been told many times by parents and friends to go and see a doctor, because it might be my bones and stuff. The lazy and don't-like-doctor-visits me always managed to find time to postpone those and my hand troubles would fade and I would forget about it. Yeah, I never went to the doctor's. It is happening again this year. And I am a hand freak and trust me my hand is so not a nice picture whenever it hits me, farewell bony hand and sexy fingers... Anyway... I finally did some research on the internet... and apparently I have the Raynaud's Syndrome. I have all the symptoms. It can't be cured, you might get some limb amputated if you are unlucky enough. In three words: I AM FUCKED. To be clear, at this very moment I am wearing a glove on my right hand cause it is cold. Whenever I get my computer back in action, the warming mouse (yes this is exactly what I own, you envy me now, don't you :P) is coming out as well, it clicks very loudly but hey, I'd rather have my hand attached to my body ;). They say I should quit drinking caffeinated drinks and also quit smoking. Guess which one I am going to do first... Are you out of your mind!!! I am not quiting the two things that bring brightness in my early mornings! I better find me someone who will keep me warm, that is the only solution... Any volunteers? Any? Ah, well, I'll just dig out my woolen socks that my grannie knitted for me and get me some woolen gloves.
On the cool side... I have a syndrome!!! Ha!
On the cool side... I have a syndrome!!! Ha!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Fellow engineer, help...
Така, за междуредията... ми не знам к'во да ги правя. Ако текста не е форматиран всичко си ок, ама като дам justify и бам, редовете се натискат кой да е най-отгоре. На мен не ми се човърка в настройките, понеже отдавна не си заслужавам титлата инженер. Така, че приемам предложения и съвети как да го оправя това чудо.
Monday, November 12, 2007
#63 FUCK!
ETA: Yeah... I only wish I had the guts to just take off. If only it wasn't my BD this weekend... Damn it, I am so not waiting for it and all the upcoming unexpected huge mistakes this week...
ETA: Yeah... I only wish I had the guts to just take off. If only it wasn't my BD this weekend... Damn it, I am so not waiting for it and all the upcoming unexpected huge mistakes this week...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
PC piss on me!
After 4 days of struggle, sweat and a lot, I repeat, a lot of swearing and annoyance I've come to the point where I've lost all my enthusiasm to fix my PC and aslo I've come to the conclusion that the problem is somewhere deep in the soul of one of my hard drives (of course the one that I have most valuable information on). I got so sick of the deep blue screen that appears whenever you install Windows(note: capital letter, Windows have my respect and have nothing to do with my problems) that if I have to see it again (which... I'll have to do at least 2(two) more times, if I am really lucky... that is) I will surely throw up! It is fun the first couple of times and when you reach to the point where you are dangerously close of a two digit number it becomes absurd!
By default NTFS doesn't support DOS, but! if you hit the repair option on the Windows install disk you get into this lovely and oh so good DOS-like environment (DOS was fun, I miss DOS). It had a set of commands that can be executed, pretty much a castrated DOS. My utmost desire for the last 4 days have been to format my C: drive, fully, and not that shit quick format that it would only let me do... So imagine my happiness and surprise when I saw that the "Format" command was available... Format C:, under DOS-kind thing, soooo tempting. I jumped off the chair with excitement, a huge smile occured on my face... I didn't hesitate at all, format c:, are you sure?, of course I am sure, do it now, Y (Enter). 1,2,3...% Completed. YAY it is working. Done. Restart. BAM! The same system file corrupt error! WTF, I just whiped your ass, fucker. What files, what shit, you are deffinitely trying to get me into some mental institution, aren't you. Blue screen(another attempt for repair), C: ->6somethingMB(2somethingMB free), F:->14somethingMB(14somethingMB free) WTF!!! WTF!!! OK, so here I paniced big time. I typed format C:, fucker, F: is not C:!!! I then, prayed that F: is really F: and not E:, cause on E: I have some things that I have only there, please God, help me... Repair function, E:/> dir... Oh, thank God, it's all here, F: was indeed F: which I want to remind is not the fucking C:. I ran the CHKDSK which took like forever, well at least the first 4% took a lot and put me to sleep. When I woke up later, it had stopped at 28% with the lovely message which was something like "We've encountered a fatal error that can not be recovered, you are fucked, go fuck yourself, muahaha for wasting 4 days on me"
Now I am doing a research on how much a new hard drive costs, which actually is not that much, but I so don't want to spend money for it...
I really love my computer. I will do one last attemt tonight and then I'll have to install Windows on my flatmate's new laptop... oh, the jealousy :D
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Dance with me
Last night I watched this show... dance contest or something.
Oh, the idiocy and lack of rhythm! I can't believe what people are able to do and make complete asses of themselves only to get shown on TV. Yes, sure, it was a great laugh and yes they tend to show only the biggest idiots which can only make you appreciate this more:
The comments of my flat mates and friends were... well mostly drooling, the guys got hardons and the gals...all became gay for 2 minutes...
Oh, the idiocy and lack of rhythm! I can't believe what people are able to do and make complete asses of themselves only to get shown on TV. Yes, sure, it was a great laugh and yes they tend to show only the biggest idiots which can only make you appreciate this more:
The comments of my flat mates and friends were... well mostly drooling, the guys got hardons and the gals...all became gay for 2 minutes...
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