
    Thursday, November 15, 2007

    Great! (this is ironic by the way)

    So, for two years now I've had some problems with my hands (especially the right one) during winter. I've been told many times by parents and friends to go and see a doctor, because it might be my bones and stuff. The lazy and don't-like-doctor-visits me always managed to find time to postpone those and my hand troubles would fade and I would forget about it. Yeah, I never went to the doctor's. It is happening again this year. And I am a hand freak and trust me my hand is so not a nice picture whenever it hits me, farewell bony hand and sexy fingers... Anyway... I finally did some research on the internet... and apparently I have the Raynaud's Syndrome. I have all the symptoms. It can't be cured, you might get some limb amputated if you are unlucky enough. In three words: I AM FUCKED. To be clear, at this very moment I am wearing a glove on my right hand cause it is cold. Whenever I get my computer back in action, the warming mouse (yes this is exactly what I own, you envy me now, don't you :P) is coming out as well, it clicks very loudly but hey, I'd rather have my hand attached to my body ;). They say I should quit drinking caffeinated drinks and also quit smoking. Guess which one I am going to do first... Are you out of your mind!!! I am not quiting the two things that bring brightness in my early mornings! I better find me someone who will keep me warm, that is the only solution... Any volunteers? Any? Ah, well, I'll just dig out my woolen socks that my grannie knitted for me and get me some woolen gloves.

    On the cool side... I have a syndrome!!! Ha!


    Мъник said...

    А боли ли те китката? Домързя ме да го изчета туй цялото. Аз също имам проблеми с дясната ръка, но аз знам какво е. Дай да видим твоите симптоми

    MKB said...

    Brrr, that's a bit creepy. Better clothes! We don't want you to lose your limbs... how would you type! :P

    I know someone who will keep you warm. :)

    BJ said...

    Dear P.!

    As an experienced hypochondriac, I advise you not to dig for sicknesses on the fucking internet. (I've been living in fear since I accidentally stumbled on the word vulvectomy.) So please, please go see a doctor to see if there's hope for your poor little extremities after all.

    P. said...

    Haha... I haven't masturbated in a loong time. I promise ;).

    I am taking care of myself. I promise.

    How the hell do you accidentally stumble to vulvectumy?