I have terrible stiffness(my dictionary says that this is the word i need, I am not so sure about it) all over my thighs and tiny parts of my ass. But this is what happens when you sit on your ass 8 hours a day and the last time you exercised was pretty much a year ago.
So, my point is that I went running on Saturday evening. I got all sweaty and panting. It felt great. My fellow flat mates laugh at me and firmly believe that this will be my first, last and only attempt of exercise for year 2008. And, oh, they are so wrong! I am so fucking determined to get back in shape, especially now when my biceps(does this word have plural?) and calves start to show. Of course this isn't just because of the running.
Of course! I am on a special nourishing diet, which at first I thought was bullshit, but man, there are some nice visible results after only a few days! I can't assess how this is effecting my breasts though, because I will be bleeding soon and their size at the moment is deceiving.
I am feeling great about all this and I am starting to feel confident with my body. I think I have potential to be a chick :P.
P.S. Isn't it nice that my 100th post is so positive!