
    Friday, June 5, 2009

    #142 oh, wow

    Oh, wow!
    I am quite impressed by myself, or should I say by my non-smoking self. Hehe.

    So last night I went for my run and it's been 4 days since I quit smoking (yeah, I know, 4 days doesn't sound like such a big deal, but considering the effort I am making, it's hard people, Iam telling you... and the fact that I was a smoker for 11 straight years, god, I am old...) Ok back on topic... I had no troubles doing double the laps I usually do, I didn't really get out of breath, my speed was better than usual, my heart rate was constant and pretty much within the limits. I should also give some credit to the fact that this time I had music playing in my ears, which gave me an extra boost.

    But, I'll be damned, 4 days do make a big difference!

    On a different note... going out drinking tonight... I hope I won't get tempted to light a cigarette and also I hope to get some company to go to Soho...


    Мъник said...

    Ей сега вече се разсърдих :) Вместо да ми се обадиш, да кажеш айде да ходим еди къде си, че нямам компания... тц :)

    P. said...

    Нали се сещаш, че Сохо е гей бар ;)

    Unknown said...

    Аз съм обещала да ти бъда party fellow...Само дето след като цял живот не съм пушила, в сряда най-накрая пропуших. На онова парти в ID club не се отрязах, но в сряда направо щях да се удавя в алкохол - до 6:00 сутринта

    P. said...

    Cash and Date?

    Unknown said...

    10.05, ID? OK

    P. said...

    Драсни ми едно мейлче...

    Мъник said...

    Пък аз никога не съм била в гей бар, тъкмо ще науча нещо ново :)