
    Thursday, January 18, 2007


    What's it about babies and people admiring them. Yes, sure, I admit, babies are cute. But, come on! There is CUTE cute and then there is just cute cause it is small and innocent and cause you are afraid not to insult anyone. I don't think it is wrong to say that a baby is... just a baby! Listen to me!!! There are ugly babies out there!!!

    I think i was a cute baby. Yes. I don't know, since i am a second child i only have one picture of me as a baby. And hear more, it got lost. So i can't even prove this (and yeah... attack me now and say i was an ugly baby and i am hiding). I swear, my brother has tons of baby pictures, this is just not fair. Do i sound as if i am obsessed of myself? Neh!
    ETA: Since blogger is a dickhead...imagine a empty line here
    Now, back to topic. Which apparently is #7. Is there a way to put something in little letters under it? Something like subtitle, oh wait, this is used in movies... undertitle? Is this even a word? I refuse to open the dictionary. UNDERTITLE, yes, i like this one! I want to put undertitles to my posts. Because, people, just imagine... someone gets lost and by the mighty powers of fate they get here. All they will see is numbers... I want to save them from their misery and put UNDERTITLES (geeeh, i like this one :)) so they will know what to expect and run faaaar away from here... Yeah, i did it again... i talk crap. So, my point is... babies and why are we afraid to admit that they are not cute?

    Lesson No.1
    Observe...take a moment to think...admit it!!!

    Dear students,... you are about to see a baby picture.



    This one is just a baby. SHE(by the way i wrote IT here first).IS.NOT.(i'm quoting here)ADORABLE&so damn cute!!!

    I am sorry people, but just look at this baby... NOT.CUTE!

    Now, take a moment to think and admit it, admit it to yourselves and then to the world(which in this case is me).
    I hope you learned your lesson, if not there will be more to come, so let's finish with the torture here.

    There! I am done.


    MKB said...

    SHE. IS. ADORABLE!!!!!!!

    Why do you keep torturing me like this??? LOOK AT HER!!! Not even you could have been that cute as a baby!!!

    Also, bad excuse. I'm the middle child, I have loads of pictures of me as a baby. I was so cute. Hihihi.

    What else... oh yeah. Undertitles. Well it might help to actually put names to your posts instead. Apart from that, I don't know. :)

    But thank you for the lesson, I look forward to many more of them. I'm an innocent naive little girl after all. :))

    Your devoted fan -


    P. said...

    I don't want to look at her. She is not cute!
    And well, you've never seen me as a baby so you wouldn't know! What is i was the cuttest baby ever?!?!

    About the pics..tell it to my parents... :)

    Well i like the numbers... it helps me keep count... so i am not changing that!

    Lessons will follow, but are you sure you can pass the class? ;)

    MKB said...

    Oh please. You don't want to look at her because you're afraid to find out that you're wrong. She's fucking adorable.

    You can't have been the cutest baby ever. I was the cutest baby ever. There's no denying it. Not that you'll be seeing any pictures, no way... I don't wanna be lesson number 2. Snif. :P

    There's a postcounter in your bloggermenu, silly. :)

    Oh I'll pass. If I'm too dumb I'll just bribe the teacher. :D

    P. said...

    Postcounter, huh?!? And how many clicks i will need to get to it? I have to save my energy :P.

    MKB said...


    It's the first thing you see!!!

    Мъник said...

    Пламко, ко значи туй "ETA" дето непрекъснато го пишеш?
    Колкото до темата - аз съм безкрайно разумен човек, който в момента, в който види някое малко бебе/коте/куче изпада във временно умопомрачение :P
    А като ми дойдеш на гости ще ти поопраим малко темата на блога OK?:P

    PS. I'm so sorry that I can write in English today... it isn't my day :(

    P. said...

    ETA = Edited To Add ;)

    Ami trqbwa da se organizirame neshto! Che mi e presyhnalo gyrloto neshto.