
    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Hot stuff

    Yesterday we had a temperature drop... almost 10C°. So from 45C° it reached to the livable 35C°. (rereading my shit now... that first sentence doesn't seem to have any connection with what will follow, well maybe a tiny one)

    I went home after work with the intention to enjoy the chill evening, playing around with my computer. Oh, I played with it alright! The moment I entered the room, I sensed trouble. I sat on my lovely chair with my lovely yellow pillow(which is only for butt comfort and is an add-on that my mum was wise enough to suggest). I started sweating ... hm it was supposed to be normal temperature and yet it felt extremely hot... There was this massive heatwave coming from somewhere under my desk. I put my feet on the computer case(yes, they love it there, my poor case...) and they started to burn. WTF! I put them back on the floor, I made my most concerned face and pretended to be thinking through what was going on under there. And it was easy. You know why? Because it was extremely quiet in my room. I listened, but couldn't hear a thing. So I leaned and oh, the surprise, the fan on my power supply was not working. WTF! It was a relatively new one, only like 3 (or maybe 4, but let's pretend it was 3) years old. Yes, I keep my computer case on the floor, yes, it gets extremely dirty and dusty there (I vacuum and clean it every like a few months, I like my computer nice and shiny...weirdo!!!) , yes, I never turn off my computer (I restart, but turn off is a no), yes, it was extremely hot the last few days, BUT NOOOOOO! Why do things like this happen exactly when I'd planned to relax with the computer? Well... shit happens, some will say. Now, I am a graduate engineer, computer science... WOW! Go me! I took a screw driver and took out the broken power supply. It comes in a metal case. My brilliance decides that I am so great and I know all, so I tried to open the box, which is actually a very easy job, but since I hadn't cleaned my computer in a while and one tiny screw had hidden under a thick layer of dirt, it took me like half an hour poking, hitting, scratching and suchlike at the box, I was dashing my head in the wall wandering WTF was the box's problem and why it wouldn't surrender at my supremacy. Alas, when all the dirt got all over my clothes and hands and thanks to my eagle sighting I was finally able to open the box. Inside I found nothing wrong(this is only because I know shit about those things, but it feels really nice to pretend that I know more than shit, people that know even less that shit respect me ;)). So after getting dirtier, I managed to confirm my first observation... the fan of my power supply wasn't working! I couldn't fix it, of course. I am so brilliant, I know. I closed the box, cleaned myself and the rest of the computer and today I plan on getting a new one. All in all, I wasted an hour to confirm something I already knew, which at this minute feels really pointless.

    I am now saving money for a nice, neat laptop.
    Wish me luck!


    Мъник said...

    of, I'm back.
    Какво става и защо Емо се е изнесъл и Пламо публично те порицавам в собствения ти блог, че не се обаждаш.
    Може би затова ти е изгоряло захранването - като наказание, че си ни забравила :P

    Anonymous said...

    I used to study CS too, but I dropped out, cause I'm a lazy shit. My life sucks.

    Oh, and shame on you for not turning off your comp! Bad for the environment, plus isn't your electric bill horribly high?

    Oh, and I vacuum my comp too :D

    P. said...

    @ Mynik: Хехе, не съм ви забравила, ама въобще, пък и ти не беше тук последните дни...

    @ tr: Haha, well, I cheated. What can I say... I suck.
    And I knew that the global warming was all my fault, but shhh, don't tell anyone. And the bill... I share it with 4 other ppl, aka my flatmates, so it is all good ;)
    As for the vacuuming... aren't we cute :)

    Anonymous said...

    Educational video for you (you're gonna like it):

    P. said...

    Haha. Fiiiine!
    OK, I promise I will try harder and give my computer a little rest from time to time.
    Who wants to go cycling with me?
    By the way... I thought Cermit will be the main character :)

    MKB said...

    CYCLING! Oh but beware of the buses...